There was a little dance that went with that title, but it's hard to write down.
Backing up a little, you may remember that I entered the Eldorado State Park Photo Contest. They did the judging way back at the end of September and I thought had I won, I would have heard something. I contented myself to be an "also ran." Anyway, this morning I got a call from the Eldorado State Park. It turns out that they have been trying to get a hold of me. My email bounced and they just got around to calling.
I won first in the Fauna catagory, second in the Flora (which equates to an honorable mention), and another of my pictures won "Staff Pick" in the Flora division. I was bouncing all over the place today. Happy, happy. Besides the fame, I also get a gift certificate to a microbrewery/restaurant (but I think I only care about the beer part) and a climbing lesson (Eldorado is known for its rock climbing).
Woohooo. Now I need to find some more contests I guess. :)