Rowan got a fossil collection starter set from Santa, so I of course started practicing on them with my new lenses and flash. :)
In other news, I'm getting a few job leads -- I hear talk that there really is a desire for mathematics and computer science people in the biological fields. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a job that will give me lab experience and the flexability to continue on with my PhD. I have a single class and a project and I'm done with the MS. I can barely wait -- I think it's hardest when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
We've just sent off a big package of documents to the China Consulate and then they'll be ready to go into our adoption dossier. That's another thing that is becoming tantalizingly real -- our adoption of a little girl. Even my boys are getting antsy. They've been much more interested in learning Chinese words and culture. Remember, Jan 29, Happy New Year! It's the year of the Dog. And, unlike many women, I'm quite happy to say I'm a Dog. Yes -- really, I'm 24.
For those of you who have expressed interest in prints but were uncomfortable with my informal arrangement of personally mailing them from Shutterfly, I've finally set up a ProGallery with the last of the Newtonmass money. You can order directly from Shutterfly. If you don't see a picture you want in the Gallery, send me an email and I'll have it uploaded pronto. I have most of the older pictures up now, but newer ones I still have to upload. I also have literally hundreds that have never been seen on the blog, so if you have a favorite subject, I can put up some more. I've kept the same prices I listed a while ago. Just click
here or on the link on the lefthand sidebar.