I wonder how many mothers get up in the morning, make coffee, catch flies for the spiders, slugs for the garter snakes, shoot the cats (they receive insulin twice a day), feed the kids and then get them ready for school. It's been a really busy week.
I've been dying to photoblog but everything else has come up. We had our first visit from the social worker for our adoption dossier and started in earnest gathering our paperwork. It's an amazingly complicated process. It was also the boys' first week of school. That's a complicated process too -- but at least it settles down after a week!
This first weekend of the school year saw all the kids on the block (about 12) gathering for tea parties, snake petting groups, toy exchanges and scooter races. It was pretty chaotic, but relatively friendly. Tyler, a second grader who lives two houses down, came slug hunting with me in the afternoon and we found a ton of bugs, this little hairstreak among them. Since it was overcast and windy, she was content to stay put while I ran and got my camera and I came back to take a dozen pictures. I belive she is a Gray Hairstreak.
OMG! I am worried about the prospect of having one...
I actually do catch live insects almost every day for some of my pets, which include mantids, lizards, and a frog.
San Nakji: The first is the worst in terms of complete fear and panic. My second came along 18 months later and that was stressful. Managing a toddler and an infant is tough, especially with the worry about how your first is adjusting. So, relatively speaking three doesn't seem too bad. Now, I'm only worrying about the adoption process, which is the completely new element. I'm not nearly as worried about the whole being a parent part. ;)
Cindy: Cool! So do we. We have a fairly high rate of catch and release, but probably not as much release as my husband would like.
Just a clarification: The insects I catch are to feed my other pets. My frog and lizards are captive bred. I collect a couple of mantids from my yard and keep them through the fall to use as "insect ambassadors" for my special tours at the arboretum where I volunteer.
The flies, gnats, etc generally end up as food (for our other pets) and everything else as a pet. Beetles, roly polys, and many other things are generally pets. My four year old son can probably clarify the break down into categories better than I -- and he has veto power on the food/pet classification.
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