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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I haven't managed to get a picture of palps like this before. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

COOL! This spider probably has his
palps expanded for mating or in
construction of a sperm web for the
transfer. A pretty rare site to find. Excellent!

I recently for the first time
photographed Money spiders mating.
This was very nice, especially
since they did not eat each other--it's on my site but you now have to go to this months "all pictures" archives to find it.
There was almost an element of tenderness as I watched them. Unfortunately a park ranger told
me I had to “get back on the trail” because I was off by about two
feet to get this shot so I had just a few seconds to catch these pictures but I got them!

Hypatia said...

Thanks Gabe! I asked an expert, Dr Paula Cushing if those were indeed the emboli (singular embolus) and she said : Yes, that windy thing is the embolus. It is a male spider in the family
Agelenidae (you knew that) and the genus is Agelenopsis. It is probably
Agelenopsis aperta.

It's always nice when the lovers don't eat each other. ;)