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Monday, April 16, 2007


Maybe I need some more attitude in my shots. The show at Lone Tree wasn't the stunning success I'd hoped for, but then there are a lot of incredible pictures there. My two pictures seemed dull in comparison -- maybe that's a product of familiarity, maybe they were more dull. I brought Li Mei with me so I'd have someone there I knew. :) She made quite the impression in her little black and pink dress.
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Josh Gentry said...

Another Drummond joins the show circuit :-) This the first one? Takes guts. I admire the courage to stand next to your work and watch people react, or not react, to it.

Hypatia said...

Thanks Josh, yeah the evil show circuit... it was nice to immediately get consolation calls from Dad and Jen. ;)

I will admit to being enough of a chicken that I actively didn't listen to any comments.

I think the worst part was seeing all the other photographs and thinking, hm... I should have picked entirely different pictures for this show.