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Saturday, October 01, 2005


I started taking pictures of this flower and stumbled upon this natural composition of stages of the blossom. I took this a few days ago.

Since then, I've been feeling pretty awful. I think the biggest downside about being around children is one's inevitable exposure to stomach flu. When I was a child it seemed like a yearly occurance and then once I hit my late teens I was free from it. Fifteen years of blissful absense from stomach flu. Then I had kids who went to school and it started all over again. Ick. I suppose the only upside is that the nausea only lasts a day or two.

Are we letting puking stop us from going out on a date to see Serentiy? Heck no. Our babysitter is showing up in two hours, we're skipping the planned dinner, obviously, and we're heading out. I still think one of the greatest crimes among television show cancellations was Firefly. I haven't been a regular watcher since. It's probably better for me. Posted by Picasa


Oricon Ailin said...

Any type of purple flower is amazing for me. This is an excellent picture! What kind of flower is that, do you know?

I certainly hope you feel better. Stomach flus are icky. Take care and hope you enjoyed the movie!

Hypatia said...

Thanks! I have no idea, I just see them every day in the school yard. Finally I stayed after dropping the kids off and snapped a few.

I hate the flu. I'm glad it didn't last very long. Feeling much better now!