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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Beautiful Eyes


When classifying spiders, the arrangement of the eyes tell you a lot. Check out this picture and then check out the classification pictures at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science Spider Survey. The size and orientation can even give you an idea of how the different spider types hunt. Did you see ThomisidaePosted by Picasa


Hypatia said...

Hey Matt! Yeah, that looks like a wolf spider from the eye locations, also in the picture I don't see any web (wolf spiders don't make one for trapping prey).

Also in that pic you can see the claw tufts: More Spider Specifications and the "third row" of eyes mentioned in 23a.

I love this site.

'Course the real giveaway is if you can spot spiderlings on the mother's back.

Hypatia said...

No worries, I do that all the time; I blame the children and their effect on my brain.

Most of our wolf spiders run around on our sidewalks and bricks. My boys even call them "concrete spiders". The species they're referring to is a really tiny type of the family (and the one's in my earlier pictures). Whenever I walk around in the grass they dash over my toes. We have tons of them. I think that's the point where I lost any arachniphobia I had.

Any how, here's a good anatomy picture for the quick version of all the spider bits: iziko Museums of Cape Town