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Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Blue Side of the Mentodent


This seemed a good followup to the strawberry fungus pictures. The white grittier side of my Mentodent wasn't coming out, so I used my super strength and managed to squirt all the blue into the sink and all the white backwards into the dispenser. It would have been annoying had the blue not looked so cool. And then there is also the photo friday challenge "Vanity" -- the blue stuff I think is just the breath freshener part and toothpaste is found in many vanities. Posted by Picasa


Hypatia said...

Thanks so much! :) I'll do my best!

Cindy said...

The fungus was cool. This is awesome.

Josh Gentry said...

That is so funky. I agree it fits "Vanity."

Have you seen Matt's picture of salt, yet?

Hypatia said...

Thanks Cindy! I wasn't sure how normal I was when I tilted my head to the side, stared at the mess in the sink and thought, "Well, that looks kinda cool."

Hey Josh! I like the word "funky". :) Yes!! Very, very cool picture of Matt's. I don't know why tiny structures fascinate me so much, but Matt's picture is a beautiful illustration of that.